
We apologize that we don’t currently have an abundance of bird specific information or literature.

For more information on how our Karbo and Epic II CL products may enhance the immune systems and promote your animal’s or bird’s overall health, please call us at 608.742.6014 or email us at

Rooster Closeup and Karbo Products

Bird Products & Feeding Instructions

Karbo Flour+ is our original Karbo formula product. The primary function of this flour form supplement is to bind and inactivate undesirable organisms that may reside in animals and birds. Karbo Flour+ may aid or help the immune system battle multiple challenges, symptoms  and in boosting immunity. Karbo Flour+ can be mixed with total daily rations, sprinkled on food portions or mixed into soft foods. Karbo Flour+, when used with Epic II CL , provides even greater protection for your animals and birds. 

Birds Feeding Instructions

The following amounts are recommended for the bird’s first two weeks on Karbo Flour+. Thereafter, feed the  amounts  below once a day on a continual basis. 

Karbo Flour+
Net Wt. of Bird Feed Amount mixed in Daily Rations 
50# of Bird Feed 8 ounces   AM & PM

This regimen is recommended for all animals, whether under normal, environmental, training, and/or performance stress conditions.  A daily regimen amount is  critical for maximum health benefits and optimal genetic expression.

Continual Feeding Instructions

To help maintain the health of your animals after the first two weeks we recommend a continual feeding regimen of the  amount listed above once a day.

Karbo Pellets+ are the pellet form of our Karbo Flour+ product. Karbo Pellets+are designed to provide the same protection as Karbo Flour+, but in a more convenient form for distribution and consumption. The addition of the grain and forage products (alfalfa leaf meal) make the pellet form more palatable for many animals. They are especially appealing to grazing animals that enjoy picking at food particles.Karbo Pellets+, when used with Epic II CL (see product info), provide even greater protection for your animals and birds.

Birds Feeding Instructions

Karbo Pellets+
May roll out pellets to make crumbles before adding to feed
Net Wt. of Bird Feed Amount mixed in Daily Rations 
50# of Bird Feed 8 ounces   AM & PM

This regimen is recommended for all animals, whether under normal, environmental, training, and/or performance stress conditions.  A daily regimen amount is  critical for maximum health benefits and optimal genetic expression.

Continual Feeding Instructions

To help maintain the health of your animals after the first two weeks we recommend a continual feeding regimen of the  amount listed above once a day.

Bird Karbo Essentials+

Karbo Essentials+ is a unique concentrated formulation of our Karbo Combo+ supplement, available in powder form for the young and debilitated animal with compromised immune systems. This formula of micronized food particles allows for quicker digestion and can be mixed with yogurt, ice cream or soft food. Karbo Essentials+ can also be mixed with a liquid and administered by syringe for animals refusing solid food. Karbo Essentials+ may be helpful in aiding  the animal’s own  immune system in combatting the dangerous symptoms of diarrhea and dehydration in newborns caused by every day challenges.

Birds Feeding Instructions

The following amounts are recommended for the bird’s first two weeks on  Karbo Essentials+. Thereafter, feed the  amounts  below once a day on a continual basis.

Karbo Essentials+
Net Wt. of Bird Feed Amount mixed in Daily Rations
50# of Bird Feed 8 ounces   AM & PM

This regimen is recommended for all animals, whether under normal, environmental, training, and/or performance stress conditions.  A daily regimen amount is  critical for maximum health benefits and optimal genetic expression.

Continual Feeding Instructions

To help maintain the health of your animals after the first two weeks we recommend a continual feeding regimen of the  amount listed above once a day.

Karbo Combo+ is our signature specialty supplement. Our cutting-edge technology combines the active ingredients of Karbo Flour+ or Karbo Pellets+ and Epic II CL into the Karbo Combo+ pellet. Our Karbo Combo+combination offers the animal’s immune systems multiple advantages in helping their own immune system deal with every day environmental challenges for thriftier body function. In effect, Karbo Combo+ will allow you to exploit the genetic potential of your livestock as a strengthened immune system manages daily challenges. 

Birds Feeding Instructions

Karbo Combo+
May roll out pellets to make crumbles before adding to feed
Net Wt. of Bird Feed Amount mixed in Daily Rations
50# of Bird Feed 8 ounces   AM & PM

This regimen is recommended for all animals, whether under normal, environmental, training, and/or performance stress conditions.  A daily regimen amount is  critical for maximum health benefits and optimal genetic expression.

Continual Feeding Instructions

To help maintain the health of your animals after the first two weeks we recommend a continual feeding regimen of the  amount listed above once a day.

Karbo Combo Flour+ is our signature specialty supplement in flour form. Our cutting-edge technology combines the active ingredients of Karbo Pellets+ and Epic II CL into the Karbo Combo Flour+. Our Karbo Combo Flour+ combination offers the animal’s immune systems multiple advantages in resisting bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, toxins, aflotoxins and environmental challenges for thriftier body function. Research in these areas clearly states that if immune systems are working right, clinical disease is rare. In effect, Karbo Combo Flour+ will allow you to exploit the genetic potential of your livestock as a strengthened immune response manages daily disease assaults. This is a great option for animals who are insulin resistant (IR)

Birds Feeding Instructions

We suggest the following regimen for the first two weeks the birds are on Karbo Combo Flour+.  After the first two weeks we recommend a continual feeding regimen of the amount listed below once a day.

Karbo Combo Flour+
May roll out pellets to make crumbles before adding to feed
Net Wt. of Bird Feed Amount mixed in Daily Rations 
50# of Bird Feed 8 ounces   AM & PM

This regimen is recommended for all animals, whether under normal, environmental, training, and/or performance stress conditions.  A daily regimen amount is  critical for maximum health benefits and optimal genetic expression.

Continual Feeding Instructions

To help maintain the health of your animals after the first two weeks we recommend a continual feeding regimen of the  amount listed above once a day.

Epic II CL is an aqueous (water-based) solution consisting of encapsulated natural vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and glycocomponents. Epic II CL is formulated to cut down the ammonia (blood urea nitrogen) in the intestine, thereby allowing for more complete digestion and increased tissue integrity. With its unique ability to dilate bood vessels and increase gut mobility for faster toxin evacuation, Epic II CL is unsurpassed in its aid to the animal’s own immune system in combatting undesirable digestive challenges. For maximum benefit for your animals and birds, use Epic II CL in combination with Karbo Flour+ or Karbo Pellets+.

Birds Feeding Instructions

       1 ounce of Epic II CL per 300 lbs. body weight daily


       60 cc. (2 oz.) for each 5 gallons drinking water.

This regimen is recommended for all animals, whether under normal, environmental, training, and/or performance stress conditions.  A daily regimen amount is  critical for maximum health benefits and optimal genetic expression.

Continual Feeding Instructions

To help maintain the health of your animals we recommend a continual feeding regimen of the  amount listed daily in their drinking water.

Bird Vaccinations & Diseases Information

The proper preparation of the immune system in animals is critical for all vaccination procedures.

Vaccination failures in most programs are directly related to inadequate reactions by the animals Humeral and Cellular immune systems. Animals that do not have an adequate immune system development do not build proper resistance to the organisms they were vaccinated for and do not establish immunity.

Stimulating the immune system prior to vaccinations assures the owner that the animal has a good chance of developing a proper immune response to the diseases that were recommended in the vaccine. Vaccination without proper immune system stimulation and preparation leads to many vaccination failures and discouraging results. 

For more information on how our Karbo and Epic II CL products may enhance the immune systems and promote your animal’s or bird’s overall health, please call us at 608.617.9626 or email us at

There are numerous economic consequences associated with mycotoxins in ruminant production that are very serious. Mycotoxins damage intestinal tissue, which reduces nutrient absorption. They also impair liver, kidney, reproductive, and immune function, which reduces the performance of the animal.

The consequences, however, don’t stop there. Mycotoxins may be responsible for a range of diseases and can be transferred from the food the animal is given to the meat and eggs that they produce. Humans can then eat those infected foods.

Some efforts in counteracting the mycotoxins include clays and modified glucans. However, the use of clays causes unnecessary nutrient and vitamin absorption that can’t be used by the animal. Therefore, the use of these clays has been limited in the past few years. The best prevention of mycotoxins is maintaining a clean trough and keeping silage and grains fresh.

For more information on how our Karbo and Epic II CL products may enhance the immune systems and promote your animal’s or bird’s overall health, please call us at 608.617.9626 or email us at

Our livestock are under constant attack by viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and toxins, some being pathogenic all the way to those that are harmless. They affect our animals and birds in many different ways, from being toxic to causing inflammation of nerves, muscles, and organs. The primary defense systems are the innate, humeral, and cellular immune systems.

Many researchers in this complex field agree that if the immune systems are working right, clinical diseases, in many cases, will be rare. That is not to say that the animal was not exposed and attacked by the virus, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, or toxin. However, it means that it was attacked, but had the ability to eliminate the problem.

To help the immune system to recognize and fight off many viral and bacterial challenges, we use a system of vaccinations. The purpose here is to introduce the animal’s immune system to the bug and therefore allow it to strengthen its resistance. This approach works very well if strict attention is paid to the immune systems.

An animal or bird, especially a young animal or bird, that has a poorly developed immune system will not, in many cases, develop a solid immunity. In these cases, we refer to the vaccination as a vaccination failure. The animal is still able to be openly infected by the virus or bacteria.

For more information on how our Karbo and Epic II CL products may enhance the immune systems and promote your animal’s or bird’s overall health, please call us at 608.617.9626 or email us at

The Forgotten Culprit in Disease Symptoms

Many bacteria, viruses, molds, protozoa and fungi in themselves, do not make animals sick. However, the toxins that they produce can and do make the patient violently ill. It is not enough to just eliminate the disease organisms. We need to bind up or inactivate the toxins that have been produced. The binding of many toxins can be successfully accomplished by the following procedures:

  • Molecular bonds with supplied molecules attach to and render the toxin harmless. Example: antitoxins attaching to specific toxins.
  • Using specific glycoproteins that will attach to the toxins and make a new harmless molecule.
  • The use of specific organic compounds to tie up toxins such as aflatoxins and mycotoxins found by the hundreds in our grains and other feedstuffs. With this approach, a substance with a very large surface area attracts and binds to the toxins.
  • The toxins are in this manner unable to enter the animal’s bloodstream and are rafted out of the body as fecal material. These large surface area yeast forms must be fed on a continual basis when toxic mycotoxins and aflotoxins are being fed to the animal. A maintenance supplementation is essential.

For more information on how our Karbo and Epic II CL products may enhance the immune systems and promote your animal’s or bird’s overall health, please call us at 608.617.9626 or email us at